Payment cards endpoint¶
Fetch all payment cards¶
- payment_cards([params = None])¶
- param dict params:
(optional) pagination options
- return:
Collection of payment cards
client.payment_cards({"page": 2, "limit": 1})
Fetch a payment card¶
- payment_card(payment_card_id)¶
- Parameters:
payment_card_id (str or int) – ID of the payment card to fetch
- Returns:
Payment card model
card = client.payment_card(3456)
card.last4 # => "8148"
card.branch # => "MasterCard"
Create a payment card¶
- create_payment_card(params)¶
- Parameters:
params (dict) – Payment card parameters
- Returns:
Payment card model
Note that the card will be added to the user identified by the currently used API token. The card will not be available to any other user, and Lokalise will not store card details. Once the card is added, its details are sent to Stripe.
card = client.create_payment_card({
"number": "4242424242420391",
"cvc": 123,
"exp_month": 9,
"exp_year": 2025
card.last4 # => "0391"
Delete payment card¶
- delete_payment_card(payment_card_id)¶
- Parameters:
payment_card_id (int or str) – ID of the payment card to delete
- Returns:
Dictionary with card ID and “card_deleted” set to True
- Rtype dict: