3.1.0 (27-Nov-2024)¶
Allow to provide a custom API host:
custom_api_host = ""
client = lokalise.Client(
3.0.0 (15-Oct-2024)¶
Drop support for Python 3.8 (EOL), test with Python 3.13
Added support for PermissionTemplates endpoint:
templates = client.permission_templates(TEAM_ID) # => 1
template.role # => "Manager"
template.permissions # => ['branches_main_modify', ...]
template.description # => 'Manage project settings ...'
template.tag # => 'Full access'
template.tagColor # => 'green'
template.tagInfo # => ''
template.doesEnableAllReadOnlyLanguages # => true
Added role_id to the Contributor model
contributor = client.contributor(PROJECT_ID, CONTRIBUTOR_ID)
contributor.role_id # => 5
Added role_id to the TeamUserGroup model
group = client.team_user_group(TEAM_ID, GROUP_ID)
group.role_id # => 5
2.3.0 (15-May-2024)¶
Add support for cursor pagination for List keys and List translation endpoints:
keys = client.keys(YOUR_PROJECT_ID, {
"limit": 2, # The number of items to fetch. Optional, default is 100
"pagination": "cursor",
"cursor": "eyIxIjo0NDU5NjA2MX0=" # The starting cursor. Optional, string
keys.has_next_cursor() # => True or False
keys.next_cursor # => String or None
2.2.0 (17-Apr-2024)¶
Require Python 3.8
Update dependencies
2.1.2 (09-Aug-2023)¶
Relaxed typings for create_webhook and update_webhook to allow passing the necessary parameters
2.1.1 (27-Feb-2023)¶
Added the source_language_iso attribute for the Task model (thanks, @MVasquezDXC)
Updated dependencies
2.1.0 (11-Jan-2023)¶
Updated the jwt() method. To request a JWT, you must provide the project ID:
response = client.jwt("1234.abcd")
response.jwt # => "eyJ0eXAiOiJK..."
2.0.0 (09-Dec-2022)¶
Drop support for Python 3.6
Switch to Poetry to perform dependency management and build
Minor updates
1.7.0 (30-Nov-2022)¶
Added support for the JWT endpoint.
response = client.jwt()
response.jwt # => "eyJ0eXAiOiJK..."
1.6.0 (05-Oct-2022)¶
Added file_id attribute to File model:
files = client.files(project_id)
files.items[0].file_id # => 839819
1.5.0 (07-Jul-2022)¶
Added support for Delete file endpoint:
response = client.delete_file(project_id, file_id)
response['file_deleted'] # => True
1.4.0 (07-Mar-2022)¶
Added support for OAuth 2 flow. You can now request OAuth 2 tokens using this client:
auth_client = lokalise.Auth('client id', 'client secret')
url = auth_client.auth(["read_projects", "write_team_groups"])
token_data = auth_client.token('auth code')
refreshed_token_data = auth_client.refresh('refresh token')
Do not test with Python 3.6 anymore (EOL)
1.3.0 (17-Dec-2021)¶
Added support for TeamUserBillingDetails endpoint
Added support for Segments endpoint
1.2.0 (27-Oct-21)¶
Add ability to use OAuth 2 tokens instead of API tokens obtained from Lokalise profile.
client = lokalise.OAuthClient('YOUR_OAUTH2_API_TOKEN')
project = client.project('')
1.1.1 (21-Sep-21)¶
Fixed an issue with exception handling when the returned response doesn’t contain an error key
Update dependencies
1.1.0 (15-Jul-21)¶
Added support for gzip compression. It’s off by default but you can enable it by setting the enable_compression option to True:
client = lokalise.Client('token', connect_timeout=5, read_timeout=7, enable_compression=True)
1.0.0 (29-Apr-21)¶
The plugin is being actively used for nearly a year, the code is fully reviewed therefore we now consider it to be stable and the first 1.x version is now live. No breaking changes were introduced in this release.
0.4.0 (28-Apr-21)¶
Add task_id attribute to Translation
0.3.0 (01-Mar-21)¶
Add payment_method attribute to Order
0.2.0 (02-Feb-21)¶
Add auto_close_items attribute for Task
Update all dependencies
0.1.1 (22-Dec-20)¶
Update all dependencies
Test against Python 3.9
0.1.0 (30-Jun-20)¶
Initial release