Snapshots endpoint ================== `Snapshots documentation `_ Fetch all snapshots ------------------- .. py:function:: snapshots(project_id, [params = None]) :param str project_id: ID of the project :param dict params: :ref:`pagination options ` :return: Collection of snapshots Example: .. code-block:: python snapshots = client.snapshots('', {"page": 2, "limit": 1}) snapshots.items[0].snapshot_id # => 163512 Create a snapshot ----------------- .. py:function:: create_snapshot(project_id, [params = None]) :param str project_id: ID of the project :param dict params: (optional) Request params :return: Snapshot model Example: .. code-block:: python snapshot = client.create_snapshot('', {"title": "Python snapshot"}) snapshot.title # => "Python snapshot" Restore a snapshot ------------------ .. py:function:: restore_snapshot(project_id, snapshot_id) Note that the snapshot will be restored to the project copy, not to the initial project. Example: .. code-block:: python project = client.restore_snapshot('', 34567) project.project_id != '' # => True # => "MyProject copy" Delete a snapshot ----------------- .. py:function:: delete_snapshot(project_id, snapshot_id) :param str project_id: ID of the project :param snapshot_id: ID of the snapshot to delete :return: Dictionary with project ID and "snapshot_deleted" set to True :rtype dict: Example: .. code-block:: python client.delete_snapshot('', 34567)