Keys endpoint ============= `Keys documentation `_ Fetch all keys -------------- .. py:function:: keys(project_id, [params=None]) :param str project_id: ID of the project :param dict params: Request parameters :return: Collection of keys Please note that this endpoint should not be treated as a content delivery network for your language files. It means that you should not perform a new request to this endpoint with every website/app visitor. Instead, fetch this endpoint from time to time, store the result locally and serve your visitors with static files/your database content. Alternatively, you may use our Amazon S3/Google CloudStorage integrations in automatically upload your language files to a bucket of your choice. Example: .. code-block:: python client.keys('', { "page": 2, "limit": 3, "disable_references": "1", "filter_archived": "exclude" }) Create keys ----------- .. py:function:: create_keys(project_id, params) :param str project_id: ID of the project :param params: Keys parameters :type params: list or dict :return: Keys collection Example: .. code-block:: python client.create_keys('', [ { "key_name": "python_1", "platforms": ["ios", "android"], "description": "Created by Python" }, { "key_name": "python_2", "platforms": ["web"], "translations": [ { "language_iso": "en", "translation": "Hi from Python" } ] } ]) Fetch a key ----------- .. py:function:: key(project_id, key_id, [params=None]) :param str project_id: ID of the project :param key_id: ID of the key to fetch :param dict params: Request parameters :return: Key model Example: .. code-block:: python key = client.key('', 3456, {"disable_references": "1"}) key.key_id # => 3456 key.key_name['ios'] # => "manual_setup" Update a key ------------ .. py:function:: update_key(project_id, key_id, [params = None]) :param str project_id: ID of the project :param key_id: ID of the key to update :param dict params: Request parameters :return: Key model Example: .. code-block:: python key = client.update_key('', 3456, { "description": "Updated by Python", "tags": ["python"] }) key.description # => "Updated by Python" Bulk key update --------------- .. py:function:: update_keys(project_id, params) :param str project_id: ID of the project :param dict params: Key parameters :return: Key collection Example: .. code-block:: python keys = client.update_keys('', [ { "key_id": 48855757, "description": "Bulk updated", "tags": ["bulk-python"] }, { "key_id": 48855758, "translations": [ { "language_iso": "en", "translation": "Updated Python translation" } ] } ]) keys.items[0].description # => "Bulk updated" Delete a key ------------ .. py:function:: delete_key(project_id, key_id) :param str project_id: ID of the project :param key_id: ID of the key to delete :type key_id: int or str :return: Dictionary with project ID and "key_removed" set to True :rtype dict: Example: .. code-block:: python client.delete_key('', 48850) Delete multiple keys -------------------- .. py:function:: delete_keys(project_id, key_ids) :param str project_id: ID of the project :type key_id: int or str :param list key_ids: List of the key identifiers to delete :return: Dictionary with project ID and "keys_removed" set to True :rtype dict: Example: .. code-block:: python client.delete_keys('', [34567, 78913])