Files endpoint ============== `Files documentation `_ Fetch all files --------------- .. py:function:: files(project_id, [params = None]) :param str project_id: ID of the project to fetch files for. :param dict params: (optional) :ref:`pagination options ` :return: Collection of files Example: .. code-block:: python files = client.files('', {"page": 2, "limit": 1}) files.items[0].filename # => "%LANG_ISO%.yml" Upload file ----------- .. py:function:: upload_file(project_id, params) :param str project_id: ID of the project to upload file to :param dict params: Upload params :return: Queued process model Please note that the file upload will be performed in the background, and this method will return a :ref:`QueuedProcess `. The QueuedProcess, in turn, will contain the process ID and its status (`queued`, `running`, `finished` etc). You can periodically check the process status to determine whether the upload has completed. Example: .. code-block:: python process = client.upload_file('', { "data": 'ZnI6DQogIHRlc3Q6IHRyYW5zbGF0aW9u', "filename": 'python_upload.yml', "lang_iso": 'ru_RU' }) process.status # => "queued" # ... # Update process status after some time: process = client.queued_process('', process.process_id) process.status # => "finished" # Your file is uploaded! Download files -------------- .. py:function:: download_files(project_id, params) :param str project_id: ID of the project to download from :param dict params: Download params :return: Dictionary with project ID and a bundle URL Example: .. code-block:: python response = client.download_files('', { "format": "json", "original_filenames": True, "replace_breaks": False }) response['bundle_url'] # => "" Delete file ----------- Please note that this endpoint does not support "software localization" projects. .. py:function:: delete_file(project_id, file_id) :param str project_id: ID of the project :param file_id: ID of the file to delete :return: Dictionary with project ID and "file_deleted" set to True Example: .. code-block:: python response = client.delete_file("", 1234) response['file_deleted'] # => True