.. index:: Contributing (developers) Contributing ============ 1. Fork the repository. 2. Create a topic branch. 3. Install the necessary dependencies `poetry install` (please note that you'll also require `Poetry installed `_). 4. Implement your feature or bug fix. 5. Don't forget to add tests and make sure they pass by running `poetry run pytest`. Tests will be linted automatically. 6. Make sure your code complies with the style guide by running `poetry run pylint lokalise/`. `poetry run autopep8 -i -r lokalise/ -a` can automatically fix many issues for you. 7. We use type hinting so check if everything is okay by running `poetry run mypy lokalise/`. 8. If necessary, add documentation for your feature or bug fix. 9. Commit and push your changes. 10. Submit a pull request. .. index:: Tests (developers) Running tests ------------- 1. Copypaste ``.env.example`` file as ``.env``. 2. Put your API token inside. The ``.env`` file is excluded from version control so your token is safe. All in all, we use pre-recorded VCR cassettes, so the actual API requests won't be sent. 3. Run ``poetry run pytest``. Observe test results and coverage. All your tests will be linted automatically.